Wednesday, November 27, 2019

High Fructose Corn Syrup free essay sample

HFCS is a desirable food ingredient for food manufacturers because it is equally as sweet as table sugar, blends well with other foods, helps foods to maintain a longer shelf life, and is less expensive (due to government subsidies on corn) than other sweeteners. It can be found in a variety of food products including soft drinks, salad dressings, ketchup, jams, sauces, ice cream and even bread. The enzyme process that changes the 100% glucose corn syrup into HFCS 42 is as follows: 1. alpha-amylase  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ produces shorter chains of sugars called  oligosaccharides  from raw  cornstarch. 2. Glucoamylase  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ breaks the oligosaccharides down even further to yield the simple sugar glucose. 3. Xylose isomerase  (aka glucose isomerase) – converts glucose to a mixture of about 42% fructose and 50–52% glucose with some other sugars mixed in. * has the same calories from sugar, honey There are two types of high fructose corn syrup found in foods today: * HFCS-55 (the main form used in soft drinks) contains 55% fructose and 45% glucose. We will write a custom essay sample on High Fructose Corn Syrup or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * HFCS-42 (the main form used in canned fruit in syrup, ice cream, desserts, and baked goods) contains 42% fructose and 58% glucose. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP? Low Calorie and Generally Recognized as Safe * HFCSs calorie content is similar to table sugar, about 4 calories per gram. It is also a food product generally recognized as safe by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. * Ubiquitous, Well-Preserved Food at Low Prices * Food manufacturers favor HFCS because it is just as sweet as cane sugar but cheaper. This means they can produce greater amounts of food at lower prices and enable the country to enjoy relatively rare food shortages. In addition, HFCS acts as a food preservative and protects food from water activity that allows microorganisms to grow. It also helps reduce freezer burn and aids in the fermentation process for yeast-raised bread and * * WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS WITH HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP? * * That’s why many of the lower class is more malnourished because the things they can afford are all processed and packaged and full of hfcs many other preservatives * IS THIS A CREDIBLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION? * * HowStuffWorks. com is *probably* accurate in its information, but its not the best place to get your information because its just doing the same thing you arecompiling bits of information from a lot of different sources, not producing new information. The person writing the article may or may not be an expert in the field theyre writing in, but the article is meant for people to satisfy their curiosity, not do serious research. * * http://www. sparkpeople. com/resource/nutrition_articles. asp? id=486 http://www. eatrightontario. ca/en/Articles/Carbohydrate/What-you-need-to-know-about-high-fructose-corn-syr. aspx http://www. livestrong. com/article/339628-nutritional-benefit-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup/

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Black Americans and Affirmative Action essays

Black Americans and Affirmative Action essays Black people had significant historical importance to the nation and the importance of black-white relations in U.S. society today. Throughout the history black were denied many important things to have, a traditional life style, black Americans could not work, live, shop, eat, seek entertainment, or travel where they chose, they were denied in voting rights, education, employment. A large majority of blacks lived in poverty; kids could not receive proper education, blacks Americans were forced to go to separate schools for blacks only. Many years has past since those times and today the situation is very different. In education, many blacks received college degree from universities that formerly excluded them. Also black Americans experienced changes in workplace, they often hold professional and managerial jobs in desegregated settings. In politics, most blacks Americans now participate in elections. Overall, many blacks have achieved middle-class status. But despite all those chan ges black people remain substantially behind white people, they still face problems like discrimination, prejudice, they denied in equal opportunities, and inequality of conditions. In my paper I like to analyze changes in political, economical, educational levels and problems black Americans face today and what can be done to end the racism and how to solve an American Dilemma on gender politics in U.S. The status of blacks in American society has been subject of study for many years and still American Government trying to change social and economical status of blacks American in American Society. Blacks Americans for many years were subjects to violent treatment by white people. Blacks were subject to discrimination; they also were denied equal opportunities. Discrimination and unequal opportunities play an important role in the lives of many blacks, and even in the absence of discrimination the opportunities of many blacks are limited. Inequalities in...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Aspects of the School Community & Human Resources and School Essay - 1

Business Aspects of the School Community & Human Resources and School Finance - Essay Example Merit pay refers to an approach that is used to compensate and reward teachers based on their performance. This is done through incentives such as additional pay. Numerous counties and district schools have implemented merit pay based on student attainment test scores. The pay increment is based on goals and achievements set by the school administrator or the principal. Debates on the implementation of performance pay have resulted to heated debates by authors, scholars and even political leaders. Various individuals have supported it citing advantages while others have fought against its adoption citing its disadvantages. Brimley and Garfield (2008) assert that employment of merit pay in an institution or region results to improved student and teacher performance. Arguably, researchers and authors note that rewarding teachers and tutors according to their efficacy would be coherent to management maxims from the private segment and would result to better student and teacher performan ce. Research indicates that merit pay contributes to student pay. Evidence has it that, in the implemented counties and states, more than 50 percent of the schools who have implemented merit pay perform better than the schools who have not implemented merit pay. From this, Brimley and Garfield (2008) note that the incentives acts as motivational factors that prompt teachers to work hard and perform better. Implementation of merit pay in Tennessee would lead to improved student and teacher performance. On the other hand, merit pay assists in recruitment and retention of teachers within the schools and the county. In reference to Brimley and Garfield (2008), schools that adopt merit pay approach attract competent and highly trained teachers than those who have not implemented the approach. Lower socioeconomic schools in Tennessee can use this approach to attract qualified teachers and tutors. Research has it that low socio-economic schools attract highly skilled teachers after adoptio n of merit pay. Debatably, merit pay programs can also lessen the challenge of teacher retention. Brimley and Garfield (2008) argue that performance pay motivates the teachers and helps in keeping the training teachers from leaving school and the profession. Merit pay can assist Tennessee County retain and attract competent and highly skilled personnel. Merit pay helps identify the best performers in schools and reward them according to their efforts. This, in turn, motivates the teacher to perform better and achieve better results. Adoption of merit pay by Tennessee County can assist in boosting teacher morale and in turn boost its performance. However, implementation of merit pay has arguments opposed to it. Numerous researches have shown that merit pay contributes to low teacher drive and poor results. According to Brimley and Garfield (2008), merit pay promotes unhealthy competition among teachers. All the teachers want to achieve high and receive rewards. This leads to reduced corporation among the teachers as one will feel that they are helping the other teacher attain high performance and get the reward. Research has shown that some of the teachers have gone to the extent of bribing and inducing students to rate or perform poorly in a teacher’s subject so that they may receive the award. This may lead to poor performance in the schools and the Tennessee County in general. In addition, a teacher’s merit is difficult to measure. According to Bri